
The First European Revolution by R.I. Moore
The First European Revolution by R.I. Moore

The First European Revolution by R.I. Moore

Understanding why these concepts and distinctions are losing their meaning requires a perspective on European history as a whole, beginning with its medieval phase and leading all the way across the modern age to globalization and postmodernism. These principles include concepts like sovereignty, democracy, nation, liberty, progress, science, conscience, and human rights, as well as distinctions like those between self & other, nature & culture, past & present, public & private, state & church, legal & moral. It focuses on principles of thought and action that have governed the European and American worlds since early modern times, but are now giving way under the impact of changes both obvious and poorly understood. My work is aimed at a historically-grounded diagnosis of the condition of our time. Political, Social, and Legal Thought in Medieval and Early Modern Europe Development and Significance of Historical Thought

The First European Revolution by R.I. Moore